When you ssh to a remote server, it is tedious to input your password to log in.

Please follow steps below to enable ssh without password. Here I assume that your username on local and remote server is the same.

# generate pubic and private keys, leave the passphrase empty
# (simply press ENTER when asked for it)

# the password of current user for remote server is prompted
ssh-copy-id my.server.com

# from now on, you can ssh to the remote server directly
ssh my.server.com

What ssh-copy-id does is actually to add your public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote server. If it is not available, you can do it manually:

# copy your public key to remote server
scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub my.server.com:~

# ssh to remote server with password
ssh my.server.com

# create .ssh directory if it doesn't exist
# mkdir .ssh

cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
rm id_rsa.pub