Cheatsheet for Buffers, Windows and Tabs of Vim
My cheatsheet to operate the bufers, windows and tabs of Vim.
: buffer add:ls
: list buffer
buffer indicators:%
: buffer in current windowa
: active buffer#
: alternate buffer, which can be accessed byCtrl-6
: no indicator means that buffer is not loaded yet
: load previous buffer into current window:bn
: load next buffer into current window:b2
: load buffer No. 2 into current window:br
: rewind first buffer into current window:bl
: load last buffer into current window:ba
: open all buffers into different windows:bd
: delete buffer, take buffer number as arguments,:bd 1 2 3
vim -o file1.txt file2.txt
: open files in two horizotally split windowvim -O file1.txt file2.txt
: open files in two vertically split window:sp file.txt
: open file as horizontal split:vs file.txt
: open file as vertical split:n file.txt
: new a file in current windowCtrl-w n
: new a file in horizontal split,:w file.txt
for saving:vne file.txt
: new a file in vertical split-
Ctrl-w h/j/k/l
: switch window Ctrl-w H/J/K/L
: move windowCtrl-w T
: move current window to a new tabCtrl-w r
: rotates the windows from left to right or from top to bottom-
Ctrl-w R
: rotates the windows from the other direction Ctrl-w =
: resize the windows equallyCtrl-w >
: incrementally increase the window to the right, takes a parameter, e.g.Ctrl-w 20 >
Ctrl-w <
: incrementally increase the window to the leftCtrl-w -
: incrementally decrease the window’s heightCtrl-w +
: incrementally increase the window’s heightCtrl-w _
: maximize the window’s height
vim -p file1.txt file2.txt
: open files in separate tabs:tabnew file.txt
: open file.txt in a new tab:tabc
: close current tab:tabn
: go to next tab:tabn 2
: go to tab No. 2:tabp
: go to previous tab:tabr
: rewind to first tab:tabl
: go to last tab